Logo Automation Studio

Getting Started


Andon Studio™ is a versatile system that offers its full potential when distributed between servers and client computers. However, it can be installed on a single computer for testing or self-study purposes. Different architectures are possible depending on each company's policies for server specialization and security levels.

Andon Studio™ Server Packages Installation (Required Preliminary steps)

The packages require roles, features, and specific network configurations. The preliminary procedure typically requires IT professionals. A quick start Installation Guide* is available to guide you through the process.

Andon Studio™ Clients Installation

Once Andon Studio™ is installed and configured on the server, client programs can be installed on end users' computers. When the Andon Studio™ Core is configured, it will generate a link which is shareable to the user. On the installation link:

  1. Click on the links shown on the green rectangles (see the image below) to install Andon Studio™ Manager or Andon Studio™ Operations.
    • If you receive a warning message, it means that prerequisites must be installed. To install the prerequisites, click on the links shown on the red rectangles. Andon Studio installation
  2. Click on "Open" to install and start the selected application. 
    • On the first launch of Andon Studio™ Operations, the system will ask you to choose a display zone. The display zone can always be modified via Andon Studio™ Manager.
    • On the first launch of Andon Studio™ Manager, you will need to enter the credentials of the default account “Administrator”.

Andon Studio™ Mobile

Andon Studio™ Mobile application is available for download on the following platforms:

google-play-badge App-store-badge


Minimum Requirements

Before downloading the latest Andon Studio™ release, you should make sure that your computer meets the following minimum requirements:

Andon Studio™ SERVER 3.6 SR1

  • CPU: Rating higher than 9000 in this benchmark.
  • RAM: 16GB.
  • Hard Drive: 256 GB.
  • OS: Windows Server 2016.
  • Database: SQL Server Express 2016.
  • Interfaces: This module (or an equivalent one) is required when the server is a virtual machine and for a USB hardware license key (vs software key).

Andon Studio™ CLIENT 3.6 SR1

  • CPU: Rating equal or higher than 1250 in this benchmark.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Hard Drive: 64 GB.
  • OS: Windows 10 Professional.
  • Interfaces: HDMI port (when used for display boards).

Andon Studio™ Mobile iOs 3.6.1

  • OS: iOs 13.0

Andon Studio™ Mobile Android 3.6.1

  • OS: Android 12


Product Registration

Registering your license grants you access to technical support, and will keep you informed about new versions, upgrades and service releases. 

Register Now


Quick Start Guides

Whether you are an Andon Studio™ administrator or an end user, these Quick Start Guides are a helping hand. Discover how to use Andon Studio™: